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kennedy round是什么意思

发布时间:2020-12-23 作者: 英语查

kennedy round 是什么意思


〔常用 K- round〕 肯尼迪回合〔美国总统肯尼迪1962年发起的对西欧共同市场之间的谈判,目的是打破六国关税壁垒以扩大美国出口〕。
kennedy:    n. 肯尼迪〔姓氏〕。
round:    vi.,vt. 〔古语〕低声讲,悄悄地说。 round ...
The Kennedy round was the sixth session of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) trade negotiations held in 1964-1967 in Geneva, Switzerland. Congressional passage of the US Trade Expansion Act in 1962 authorized the White House to conduct mutual tariff negotiations ultimately leading to the Kennedy Round.


1.In 1967 , an international antidumping code was signed by all nations and regions participating in the kennedy round of the gatt

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